8 Week Strong and Sexy Gains


This 8-week program will take you through 2 powerlifting blocks and end with you hitting heavy singles of RPE 8.5-9 which will end up being a safely executed new 1 rep max for you!

The guide is a 5-day split with a suggested rest day in the middle of the week, and the next at the end of the week. Workouts consist of top sets and backdowns for compound movements (squat, bench, deadlift) and accessory work.

Prior knowledge and practice of RPE are suggested, but a thorough explanation of it and a chart with suggested percentages is provided.

The program will be emailed to you as a Microsoft Excel document that you can open through the Google Sheets app for the proper layout! This will also allow you to input your weights under the “weights used” column to track your progress.

DM me on Instagram with any pressing questions, but it’s pretty self-explanatory :)

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This 8-week program will take you through 2 powerlifting blocks and end with you hitting heavy singles of RPE 8.5-9 which will end up being a safely executed new 1 rep max for you!

The guide is a 5-day split with a suggested rest day in the middle of the week, and the next at the end of the week. Workouts consist of top sets and backdowns for compound movements (squat, bench, deadlift) and accessory work.

Prior knowledge and practice of RPE are suggested, but a thorough explanation of it and a chart with suggested percentages is provided.

The program will be emailed to you as a Microsoft Excel document that you can open through the Google Sheets app for the proper layout! This will also allow you to input your weights under the “weights used” column to track your progress.

DM me on Instagram with any pressing questions, but it’s pretty self-explanatory :)

This 8-week program will take you through 2 powerlifting blocks and end with you hitting heavy singles of RPE 8.5-9 which will end up being a safely executed new 1 rep max for you!

The guide is a 5-day split with a suggested rest day in the middle of the week, and the next at the end of the week. Workouts consist of top sets and backdowns for compound movements (squat, bench, deadlift) and accessory work.

Prior knowledge and practice of RPE are suggested, but a thorough explanation of it and a chart with suggested percentages is provided.

The program will be emailed to you as a Microsoft Excel document that you can open through the Google Sheets app for the proper layout! This will also allow you to input your weights under the “weights used” column to track your progress.

DM me on Instagram with any pressing questions, but it’s pretty self-explanatory :)