Adri was recommended by Kenzie Vance in her comment section and I had taken note of it. I decided that I was ready to pull the plug on starting my powerlifting journey and reached out to her. I am currently one week in with working with Adri and I HIGHLY recommend her as your coach. I am in awe of the detailed response she gives when I send my videos. She responds to my messages the day of, and has not made me feel silly with the questions I asked. For example, I didn’t know what RPE meant and she sent a voice memo going in detail about it. I know I haven’t been training long with her but I am honestly so excited for this journey and happy I found a coach who is willing to listen to me and be engaged with my journey.

  • Karin Warren, @skwlifts

Online Client Testimonials!

I have currently been under adri for about 3 months already. From day one her coaching style not only was to improve my technique and strength but she has motivated me to be strong and SEXY! She motivates you to push past your limits to be your personal best. With Adri’s guidance I’ve seen a significant improvement in my strength and technique in my SBD. I can truly say she made me fall in love more with powerlifting. SHE IS THE BEST!

  • Noelia Huerta, @Noeliastephaniee